Cyber Security & Awareness - Secondary Years

Our world is increasingly becoming dependent on technology and the volume of data generated and shared across the Internet between people, devices, and software is exploding. Technology adoption use is growing across all areas of life and a number of fields - including work and play, banking, medicine, education and more. Due to the growth in technology use, vast amounts of information are being stored & shared across digital devices - requiring evolving security measures and responsible use.

Cyber security opportunities are increasing - with many jobs in demand requiring people with cyber security expertise to work across a range of areas and industries. Cyber security & awareness is everyone’s responsibility - this starts with all of us having the fundamental knowledge and taking an active and conscious part in the responsible and secure use of technology in our daily lives or jobs. There is no time like the present to build your skills and knowledge in this important area and support your students to build essential skills for our world.

  • What is covered in the course?

    • Introduction to Cyber Security, awareness and safety
    • Computer Science Fundamentals
    • Information Safety and Security
    • Internet Security
    • Computer and Cyber Ethics.
  • Should I attend?

    This course is designed for teachers, school leaders, curriculum leaders, pre-service teachers, and university lecturers working across the secondary years (7-10).

  • How will I benefit?

    This course is designed to:

    • Build your confidence and capability in delivering Cyber Security in the classroom as part of the Australian Curriculum: Digital Technololgies.
    • Increase your awareness of and access to high-quality Cyber Security education resources and programs that you can use in the classroom.
    • Support you to build a deeper understanding of the challenges and risks of the digital age in the education of all young people, and how to model and teach students about proactive and informed behaviours with rapidly changing technologies.
    • Raise awareness of the opportunities in Cyber Security, with a range of cyber security jobs presented throughout the MOOC that you can highlight in the classroom.
    • The course community provides a space for participants to share ideas and learn from other participants.

  • How will my organisation benefit?

    The course has been developed by the Computer Science Education Research (CSER) STEM Professional Learning Team at The University of Adelaide. CSER have been operating a national Digital Technologies Education program for teachers since 2014. CSER aims to build teacher confidence and knowledge to support the critical role of educators in providing engaging teaching and learning in the classroom. The ubiquitous nature of technology means we all need to play a part in responsible and safe online behaviours and practices. Supporting teachers to raise awareness of such practices will support students with not only general life skills but also prepare them for future workforce expectations.

    Need customised training for your organisation?

    Contact our team to discuss customising this course to meet your needs.


  • AQF Equivalence, Articulation Pathways CPD Points and Certification

    • You will receive a soft copy University of Adelaide Certificate of Completion.
    • This PACE course may contribute to earning Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points or credit. Many professional associations accredit CPD at a standard rate of 1 hour of professional development / learning = 1 CPD point. This should be used as a guide only and confirmation should be sought from your accrediting body prior to registration in any PACE course or program.

Available course dates:

No dates for this course are currently being offered. Please register your interest for future dates by emailing