Course Start Date:
Wednesday 2 & Thursday 3 April 2025 (8:45 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.)
L 7, 10 Pulteney St. Adelaide
Lorraine Caruso; MBA(UoA), GAICD
Lorraine Caruso is passionate about strengthening business capability and effectiveness through professional business skills, coaching, mentoring, and strategic and operational advice. An alumni of Adelaide's MBA program, she has held regional, state, national, general management, CEO, and director roles throughout her 30 year career. Lorraine draws on her broad experience in leading professionals to deliver on business objectives with improved efficiency and effectiveness. Lorraine is also the MBA Online Director, and Course Coordinator of the Fundamentals of Leadership course for the Executive MBA at the University of Adelaide.
Schedule number:
Enrolment Fee (GST Free) | $1,850.00
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UoA Staff Enrolment
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