Emotional Intelligence at Work

Learn to lead your organisation more positively and effectively with emotional intelligence (EQ).

Achievement is rarely about one person, therefore our engagement with others has a high impact on how we survive, grow, and thrive at work.

Our ability to know ourselves, and take the time to understand others, are critical skills for professional growth.

In this course, you will learn the key elements relating to the practice of emotional intelligence, with tools, models and activities to immediately translate into your workplace.

  • What is covered in the course?

    Learn why EQ was identified as the 6th most important skill in 2020 by the World Economic Forum:

    • gain an understanding of one's emotions, strengths, weakness, needs and drives
    • build emotional skills in areas which can add value at work
    • understand yourself, and your effect on others
    • become more considered in your approach
    • learn a process for thinking before you act
    • learn to intentionally observe to effectively support others
    • learn from the practice of teaching others.

  • Should I attend?

    This course is suitable for a broad range of managers, team leaders, and professionals who are seeking to understand and improve their emotional intelligence and effectiveness at work.

  • How will I benefit?

    You will gain:

    • a greater depth of knowledge around your own emotional intelligence and that of others
    • the opportunity to develop more open and trusting work relationships
    • an increased confidence in adapting your approach for improved team cohesion.

  • How will my organisation benefit?

    Your organisation will gain:

    • leaders who can build skills and develop their own and their team's emotional intelligence
    • teams with greater trust, cohesion, wellbeing, and effectiveness.

    Need customised training for your organisation?

    Contact our team to discuss customising this course to meet your needs.


  • AQF Equivalence, Articulation Pathways CPD Points and Certification

    • You will receive a soft copy University of Adelaide Certificate of Completion.
    • This PACE course may contribute to earning Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points or credit. Many professional associations accredit CPD at a standard rate of 1 hour of professional development / learning=1 CPD point. This should be used as a guide only and confirmation should be sought from your accrediting body prior to registration in any PACE course or program.
Lorraine was relatable, knowledgable and allowed a lot of class discussion and feedbackpast participant

What will I receive as part of this course?

  • Printed course book and materials (PDF copy for tablet on request)
  • Certificate of Completion and training record
  • Refreshments during the day, including a light lunch on full day courses

What should I bring to the course?

Our courses are designed to be work-related and interactive. Please bring current workplace examples related to this topic for use on the day.

Available course dates:

  • Wednesday 2 & Thursday 3 April 2025 (8:45 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.)

    Course Start Date: Wednesday 2 & Thursday 3 April 2025 (8:45 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.)
    Location: L 7, 10 Pulteney St. Adelaide
    Lorraine Caruso; MBA(UoA), GAICD
    Lorraine Caruso is passionate about strengthening business capability and effectiveness through professional business skills, coaching, mentoring, and strategic and operational advice. An alumni of Adelaide's MBA program, she has held regional, state, national, general management, CEO, and director roles throughout her 30 year career. Lorraine draws on her broad experience in leading professionals to deliver on business objectives with improved efficiency and effectiveness. Lorraine is also the MBA Online Director, and Course Coordinator of the Fundamentals of Leadership course for the Executive MBA at the University of Adelaide.
    Schedule number: 8545
    Required fees: Price
    Enrolment Fee (GST Free)$1,850.00
    Enrol Today UoA Staff Enrolment

    Need to enrol a group or request an invoice for a business or organisation? Enrol here.