Business Writing Essentials

Precise, persuasive, powerful: Business writing essentials

Whether you want to increase sales, sway sponsors, or encourage colleagues to consider a new perspective—effective communication is crucial.

Are you losing credibility through slapdash sentences, or boring audiences with longwinded language? In business, strong writing is the hallmark of professionalism and essential to standing out. This course will teach you the art of simplicity—improving your powers of persuasion and increasing overall impact. You will learn to structure documents for maximum effect, create memorable key messages, capture readers’ attention, encourage agreement, and incite action. Ideal for experienced professionals working on high-level communication, you’ll see just how much better your approach can be.

  • What is covered in the course?

    • What does clear, precise, and influential writing look like in my field?
    • How can I keep my own communications succinct?
    • What tools will help me develop engaging and memorable messaging?
    • How can I use structure to improve audience reception?
    • What strategies will capture my target audiences’ attention?
    • How should I edit my content for persuasive impact?
    • What practical techniques will ensure agreement and action?
    • How can this knowledge be applied to advanced writing challenges?
  • Should I attend?

    Ideal for experienced professionals working on high level communication and wanting to sharpen the quality of their written work.

  • How will I benefit?

    This course is all about ‘action learning’. To make it as practical as possible, you’ll be encouraged to bring samples of your own business writing into sessions. This will ensure your learning is relevant to your role and have a direct positive impact on your current output. You will leave with a formidable toolkit of techniques, ready to tackle writing challenges of all kinds.

  • How will my organisation benefit?

    Your workplace will gain a business writer with highly developed capabilities, all set to apply newfound expertise to upcoming projects. You’ll also be able to share new strategies and tools with colleagues—improving communication, collaboration, and business outcomes across the board.

    Need customised training for your organisation?

    Contact our team to discuss customising this course to meet your needs.


  • AQF Equivalence, Articulation Pathways and Certification

    • Participants will receive a hard copy University of Adelaide Certificate of Completion.
    • This PACE course may contribute to earning Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points or credit. Many professional associations accredit CPD at a standard rate of 1 hour of professional development / learning = 1 CPD point. This should be used as a guide only and confirmation should be sought from your accrediting body prior to registration.

The way he presented made it easy to understand the process, the examples were easy to understand.past participant

What will I receive as part of this course?

  • Printed course book and materials (PDF copy for tablet on request)
  • Refreshments during the day, including a light lunch on full day courses

What should I bring to the course?

Our courses are designed to be work-related and interactive. Please bring current workplace examples related to this topic for use on the day.

Available course dates:

  • Thursday 14 November 2024 (9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.)

    Course Start Date: Thursday 14 November 2024 (9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.)
    Location: L 7, 10 Pulteney St. Adelaide
    Gary Edwards LLB (Hons) CSP

    Gary is a corporate trainer, facilitator and coach, who specialises in helping business people to improve their performance by showing them how to communicate more effectively in critical situations: leadership, workplace culture, teams, sales, negotiation, conflict resolution and customer service. A former lawyer and trained mediator, Gary has over 20 years’ experience in education and consulting in the public and private sectors and in vocational training and higher education, as well as working as a researcher in workplace learning, change management and professional performance. He is a Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) – an internationally recognised level of certification from Professional Speakers Australia (PSA), the peak body for professional speakers in Australia. Less than 150 people in Australia hold the CSP designation. Gary is also an accredited Workplace Trainer and Assessor. Gary’s teaching approach is based on his twin beliefs that being able to work in collaboration with others is the key to personal and organisational success, and that it is the quality of the conversations that we have every day with other people that determines the level of that success. In delivering his programs he focuses on providing practical strategies and tools: the emphasis is on “how to do it”, not just “what to do”.

    Schedule number: 8441
    Required fees: Price
    Registration (GST Free)$810.00
    Register yourself Register UoA Staff

    Need to register a group or request an invoice for a business or organisation? Register here.